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World over, Gold is a subject of economic interest and is viewed as an avenue for investments. But in India, it has a deeper significance as it appeals to a number of emotions, from a form of adornment to a status symbol
In India, Gold is acquired continuously over the years and Indian customs demand buying gold for special occasions like weddings, births, birthdays’ and to celebrate variou festivals, Gold always gives a sense of security and is a last resort for a family to part with it at the time of financial crisis. Gold has and will be helpful in protecting life’s golden moments.
Through the years gold's appeal in India has evolved from an object of pure aesthetic value to a commodity which offers itself as an avenue for investment and wealth creation
Investing in gold means large sums of money. But in Gold Fund ,an investor can invest in a disciplined manner with SIP amounts as small as Rs 1000 or if you so desire you can invest one time lump sum amounts starting from Rs 5000.